USOPC Board of Directors

  • Board Meeting Information
  • Board Meeting Minutes
  • Biographies
  • Gene Sykes Headshot

    Gene Sykes


    Independent Director

    Current Term: 2023-2026

  • Anita L DeFrantz headshot

    Anita L. DeFrantz

    IOC Member ex officio

  • David Haggerty Headshot

    David Haggerty

    IOC Member ex officio

  • Rich Bender Headshot

    Rich Bender

    NGB Council-Elected Director

    Current Term: 2023-2026

  • Cheri Blauwet Headshot

    Cheri Blauwet

    Independent Director

    Current Term: 2021-2024

  • Beth Brooke Headshot

    Beth Brooke

    Independent Director

    Current Term: 2023-2026

  • Lawrence Cunningham Headshot

    Lawrence "Bubba" Cunningham

    Independent Director

    Current Term: 2023-2026

  • Muffy Davis Headshot

    Muffy Davis

    IPC Member ex officio

  • Donna de Varona Heatshot

    Donna de Varona

    At-Large Athlete-Elected Director

    Current Term: 2021-2024

  • James Higa Headshot

    James Higa

    Independent Director

    Current Term: 2021-2024

  • Elana Meyers Taylor Headshot

    Elana Meyers Taylor

    Athletes' Advisory Council-Elected Director

    Current Term: 2023-2026

  • John Naber Headshot

    John Naber

    At-Large Athlete-Elected Director

    Current Term: 2023-2026

  • Dexter Paine Headshot

    Dexter Paine

    NGB Council-Elected Director

    Current Term: 2021-2024

  • Daria Schneider Headshot

    Daria Schneider

    Athletes' Advisory Council-Elected Director

    Current Term: 2021-2024

  • Brad Snyder Headshot

    Brad Snyder

    Athletes' Advisory Council-Elected Director

    Current Term: 2023-2026

  • Virginia Sung Headshot

    Virginia Sung

    NGB Council-Elected Director

    Current Term: 2023-2026

  • Sarah Hirshland Headshot

    Sarah Hirshland

    USOPC CEO ex officio


Pursuant to Section 3.6 of the USOPC Bylaws, all directors’ terms begin on January 1 of applicable odd-numbered years and end on December 31 of applicable even-numbered years for a four-year term, except in the case of the At-Large Athlete seat currently occupied by John Naber, which had an initial two-year term to allow for staggering of the two recently-created At-Large Athlete seats.

Terms listed are linked to the board seat itself, not the occupant of such seat.