If you hear, observe, experience or learn of any emotional, physical or sexual misconduct or a violation of the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP), report it, even if the incident happened in the past or if you are unsure if it violates the SafeSport Code or the MAAPP. By reporting, you play an important role in directing the impacted individuals to trained professionals who can offer the best assistance and support.
Adult Participants of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement are required to report allegations of misconduct, including violations of the MAAPP. While the mandatory reporting requirements apply to Adult Participants, the USOPC encourages anyone who becomes aware of, or experiences misconduct or abuse, to report those allegations.
Adult Participants are also required by federal law to report any form of abuse involving a minor to both the U.S. Center for SafeSport and law enforcement (or in some states child protective services) within 24 hours. However, given the variability in state law and to address any imminent risk to the minor, we direct any individual who has reason to suspect any form of child abuse to report it immediately.