Team USA Athlete Ombuds

A safe place to seek confidential, independent, impartial advice & assistance with sport related matters


Meet The Team#

  • Photo of Kacie with columns in the background

    Kacie Wallace - Athlete Ombuds

  • Headshot of Emily Azevedo

    Emily Azevedo - Sr Assoc Athlete Ombuds

  • Bryce Boarman - Assistant Athlete Ombuds

  • Aaron Mojarras - Assistant Athlete Ombuds

  1. The Athlete Ombuds maintains as confidential any information communicated or provided in confidence in any matter involving the exercise of their official duties.
  2. The Athlete Ombuds will not testify or produce evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding with respect to any matter involving the exercise of their official duties.
  3. The Athlete Ombuds treats all work product, memoranda, notes or case files as confidential. Such information is not subject to discovery, subpoena, or other means of legal compulsion, and is not admissible as evidence in a judicial or administrative proceeding.
  4. The Athlete Ombuds maintains and prepares data and/or reports in a manner that protects confidentiality and privacy.
  5. These confidentiality and privacy provisions shall not apply to:
    1. Information necessary to communicate, mediate or resolve a concern or dispute, with the permission of the athletes involved;
    2. Applicable reporting requirements under federal law and/or the policies of the U.S. Center for SafeSport;
    3. A felony personally witnessed;
    4. A situation in which an individual is at imminent risk of serious harm;
    5. A congressional subpoena;
    6. The general operation and processes of the Athlete Ombuds; and/or
    7. Responding to an official investigation or allegation concerning the conduct of the Athlete Ombuds in exercising its official duties.
  6. The Athlete Ombuds maintains these confidentiality and privacy provisions on their website and distributes to employees of each National Governing Body (NGB) and the USOPC.
  7. Each NGB shall publish these confidentiality and privacy provisions on its website and communicate to athletes their availability.

The Athlete Ombuds Confidentiality and Privacy Policy can be found on the Federal Register.

Duties & Principles#

Contact Information#

  • Team USA Athletes

    Athletes on the Pathway to representing the United States in a Delegation Event (Olympic, Paralympic, Pan American & Para Pan American Games):

  • Athletes NOT on Team USA

    All other athletes (i.e., junior, masters, recreational, non-Olympic or Paralympic disciplines, etc.)

