Thank You, Britain:
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Thank You Britain

International Goodwill
The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.

Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games

Reiging Olympic decathlon champion Bryan Clay of the USA visits underprivileged UK children as part of the United States Olympic Teams "Thank You Britain" campaign on April 16, 2012 in London, England (Photo by Getty Images)

Just like Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games, had envisioned, the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games went well beyond sport and asked more of the world's athletes than just winning medals.

To contribute to London's Olympic and Paralympic Games and say, "Thank You," to the 2012 hosts, America’s athletes gave back by raising funds and support for disadvantaged UK children who are involved with Kids Company - a London-based organization that helps the most deprived and ‘at risk’ children across London by providing a safe and caring, family environment.

Bilboard thanking Britain from Team USA
(Photo by USOPC)

Sport - seen as a key component in the Kids Company curriculum - is used as an outlet for these children to positively channel their anger, aggression and emotion. While in the UK, several U.S. Olympians and hopefuls visited Kids Company projects and participated in various after school sport activities to provide inspiration for the children.  

The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Team also contributed special gifts and donations leading up to and during the London 2012 Games. Additionally, the USOPC donated £10,400 to Kids Company on behalf of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Team, reflecting a £100 donation for each of Team USA's 104 medals won during the London Games.

Team USA donates 10,400 Pounds to Kids Company Charity (Photo by USOPC)

The program was launched April 16 and ran through the London 2012 Games.

Children pose on podium with Brian Clay of the US Olympic Team