Constraints-based longevity - How do we sustain health and high performance here?
Welcome coaches! Thanks for being here.
Every coach deserves to feel energized and inspired throughout their career, and as we know, the demands of high performance sport, particularly the Games, can often exceed our capacity to do so. Below is a series of resources to help you backwards plan from the Olympic and Paralympic experience and experiment with ways to prepare yourself like you do for your athletes.
Here, well-being is tactical, adaptable, and experimental. Feel free to utilize this space in whatever way you want, but here is how it's designed to help you succeed:
Getting started
Tactical well-being resources for coaches, based in science.
Connect with a coach#
"Want to get great at something? Get a coach - an extra set of eyes, a perspective from outside of the frame, words of wisdom from someone who’s done it before, someone to help manage a dozen ideas and get you started on one... Everybody needs a coach. Everyone." - Atul Gawande, MD - Surgeon, writer, research scientist, Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School
Emilie Lazenby, MS, CMPC, CSCS, Breathwork Instructor, RYT
Schedule a call with Emilie, opens in a new tabNational team and NCAA coaches can schedule calls with Emilie Lazenby (USOPC Coach Well-Being Lead) for resources and practice in:
- Resetting sleep on and off the road
- Stress resilience and regen
- Breathwork for performance
- Movement as we age
- Fueling for your day
- Countering isolation
- Grounding in constantly changing environments
- Energy periodization
Suzu Cornella, MS Applied Sport Psychology, USAC Level 2 Coach, USAC Level 3 Route Setter
Coming soon!
External assets#
Experts we recommend.
Cody Royle
Contact Cody, opens in a new tabCody is a coach for head coaches and author of three books: The Tough Stuff, A Second Set of Eyes, and Where Others Won't. After 14 years coaching athletes, his life’s work is to change the coaching landscape in elite sport.
Spencer Arnold, Weightlifting Head Coach
Contact Spencer, opens in a new tabSpencer has produced many national level athletes; as well as international level athletes for Team USA, Team Canada, Team Lebanon, Team Denmark, and Team New Zealand.
Jamie Staff, Cycling Head Coach and High Performance Director
Contact Jamie, opens in a new tabTransferring his skills from BMX racing to Track Cycling, he competed for Great Britain from 2003 to 2009, competing in two Olympics and winning Gold in Beijing, before joining USA Cycling as the High Performance Director for BMX.
Wade Gilbert, PhD
Contact Wade, opens in a new tabWade is an internationally renowned coaching scientist and award-winning professor in the Department of Kinesiology at California State University – Fresno. With a doctorate in Sport Psychology, Wade is the developer of the USOPC Quality Coaching Framework and specializes in helping coaches develop their own coach learning communities.
Jen Gibson, MS, RD, CSSD, IOC DIP Sport Nutr
Contact Jen, opens in a new tabInternationally recognized sport dietitian with 18 years of experience in elite sport.
Dana Lis, PhD, RD, IOC DIP Sport Nutr
Contact Dana, opens in a new tabDr. Lis is a research affiliate with University of California Davis and in her 6th season as the lead consulting dietitian for the Golden State Warriors.
Amy Bender, PhD
Contact Amy, opens in a new tabSleep scientist on a mission to help transform lives with better sleep.
Johannes Egberts, World class Breathwork Instructor
Contact Johannes, opens in a new tabNetherlands-born and Australia-based, Johannes is the founder of Breathless, an outdoor adventure & breathwork instruction company, and he has trainined 20,000+ in breathwork, published scientific research and trained more than 300 instructors.
Assess your baseline#
Not sure where to start?
Take profile, opens in a new tabStart here for a clear understanding of what experiments to target. Backed by clinical research, this brief and confidential profile measures consistency across six foundational habits (Your ability to maintain Sleep, Nutrition, Movement, Breathwork, Connection, and Stress Resilience - on and off the road):
What would help your energy this season? At the Games? This option opens up to a catalog of experiments... Take your time here! Experiment with different routines and rituals. Connect with experts. Notice what works (and when)!
Better Sleep
Optimizing imperfect sleep, opens in a new tabPerfect sleep is not the goal, nor is it possible. Practice how to reset your sleep when needed.
Stress Resilience
Performing under pressure, opens in a new tabYou are a performer too, coach. Practice how to utilize stress and perform under pressure long-term.
Resetting your nervous system, opens in a new tabBreathwork is like a remote control to your physiology. Practice breathwork to help you restore the natural flow of your breathing, improve performance, and regulate any time, anywhere.
Staying fueled
Nutrition for phases, opens in a new tabKnow how nutrition works for you so you can feel energized and nourished throughout your days and competently oversee the nutrition of your athletes.
Morning Movement
Staying calm yet energized, opens in a new tabExplore ways to shift your mood, release stress, curb jetlag, and set a rhythm for your days - on and off the road.
Being more connected
Countering isolation, opens in a new tabAs coaches, we have a lot of company, but little connection. Practice ways to counter the emotional toll of coaching and strengthen relationships at home and work.